Tuesday, July 7, 2009

New Harvests

Well into our third week of business (is that it?!? really?) and we will soon be overrun by a ton of new coffees from Barefoot!

As new harvest shipments reach their final destination as virgin green coffee beans, these coffees will be artfully transformed into ready-to-brew brown beauties. Barefoot will be receiving these new shipments over the coming months (some of them are already here!) and, just as soon as Roastmaster Christian Rotsko does what he does and hones in on the delicate perfection that is Barefoot Coffee, we'll be serving them up at The Hub for your enjoyment.

After building up all this anticipation, I figure a little info on the new harvests already available at The Hub couldn't do any harm:

Kenya Nyeri Karindundu
This Kenyan will knock your socks off. Complex and captivating. We were amazed at the cupping table a few days ago to find an uncanny harmony of vine-ripe tomatoes, toasted sesame, green seaweed and soy sauce, and a tangy-sweet rhubarb fruitiness, among others.

Papua New Guinea Tribal Aromas
We've yet to cup this one for ourselves, however, if Barefoot's cupping notes hold true (which they always do) then we're certain that the Tribal Aromas will be an unsurpassed coffee experience in the history of coffee in Reno. Banana cream pie? What?! With whipped cream? Where will it stop?! Creamy, tropical fruits salad? Scrumptious and scintilating (look it up).

Flores Wongawali Bajawa
Wonga-what? You can call it "Flores" for short. Flores, Portuguese for "flowers", is one of the big islands of the Lesser Sunda archipelago in the Indonesian Ocean near Sumatra. It's not everyday we see anything of such remote nature in Reno, Nevada. And you can look forward to unique regional characteristics in this coffee, with flavors of ripe of tropical fruits together with sweet thai basil and sweet rep peppers.

And as stated, these three are not the last. We'll be rolling out the red carpet for many more fresh coffee harvests over the coming month: loads of new coffees from El Salvador; microlots from the lovely Finca Vista Hermosa of Guatemala; another beauty from El Socorro y Anexos, the farm that brought us last harvest's Guatemalan Cup of Excellence; and we'll be buried in infamous blueberry goodness with a new harvest Ethiopian Sidamo. And I may have missed some others... but that just means you have to check back at The Hub so you don't miss out!!!!!

Coffee never had it so good in the Biggest Little City!

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