Sunday, August 29, 2010

Welcome to the Alps

Someewhere between Interlaken Switzerland and Zurich we picked this young lad up hitch hiking with a sign where is "The Hub".

Thank you for making our day before you head to The Burn. Stellar employeeeee of the week, Joey P

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Roasting at The Hub

Hey Coffee lovers.....Daddy Mark was gittin busy Roasting Coffee two weeks ago. According to some fans, the end result was tasty. Stay tuned, The Hub is always progressing. Roasting??

Bike Awareness Film at The Hub

Hey Bike peeps, The Hub is collaborating with the "Off The Chainring Tour" Wednesday September 1st. A film on How it is possible to transition any city into a bicycle friendly atmosphere. An important subject in Reno, as we speak. Please come and support.
Time: 7:00-9:00 pm. Come enjoy a coffee while watching something that you believe in. See Sliding scale donation requested $3-10.

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's been awhile

Ok here is the scoop - A lot has happened since the last Post. Joey has moved to Portland and Lucas has gone to a warmer and preferably a warmer place (San Diego). It's been tough replacing those two, but the new Barista Blood in the House have been training hard to keep up the high level of hospitality and exceptional drink quality. Come in and have one of the current Baristas throw down a beautiful drink for ya'll. Meet Jessica, Bonde, Ian, Joey P, Ashlin, and Christos. Here is a little sample of what they can do already. See ya soon.