We have the pleasure of serving many talented people at The Hub. Last Wednesday, we took one of those talented people, and made him take pictures of our coffee and shtuff! Well, it was really his idea. Exalt our coffee with his amazing photography skills? How could we ever say no?!
Riley Maclean is a die-hard photographer (and drinks way too many cappuccinos at The Hub... for this also, we thank him). He's very good at what he does, as you can see from our little collaboration of coffee artwork below. Sure we pour the lattés with the little hearts, but Riley helped us to take it to a whole new level with his camera magic. Thanks for the goods Riley!
And just in case you're wondering... no, we don't make layered mochas regularly at The Hub. But yes, all of our coffee tastes as good as Riley's photos make it look!
What beautiful pics!